The pandemic forced us to stay in and during my personal introspective time, I continued to discover the ebb and flow of life. I find peace being focused on my love of all living things connecting to Spirit through nature. Coupling my deep passion for mindfulness practices coupled with nature, plants, animals, and pollinators. I am now deep into the never-ending study of horticulture and the mandala continues to unfold.
Starting in March of 2020, I built incredible outdoor gardens that all started as an outdoor renovation project to create a sacred space. I was in flow and continued on to take our barren land and turn it into something beautiful.
Indoor Oasis Ebb & Flow
Then in the winter, I built an amazing indoor oasis and indoor jungle that would make Hilton Carter proud. I’m stoked to share indoor gardening tips and tricks because when I started I did not consider myself “good with indoor plants”.
I’ve learned so much about indoor gardening and caring for those that completely rely on us for survival. I’m excited to share the things that I’ve learned along the way. Don’t worry, I back my lessons learned with research which I’ll share too.
Higher Self & Spirit
Watching and participating in the ebb and flow of life through nature brings me closer to my Higher Self and to Spirit.
Spending time nurturing is a beautiful mindfulness practice that is now deeply a part of who I am. Always following the mandala wherever it leads!
I’m excited to share my findings, my studies, tips and tricks. I hope to inspire you to cultivate your green thumb and love for all living things. Throw in some mindfulness practices along with it and you have yourself a connection to Spirit/God/Goddess/Higher Power on a daily basis.
Win + Win = Bliss!
Take A Moment.
Take a moment to acknowledge the ebb and flow of everything. Everything in life is beautifully intertwined and there is a purpose for it all.
The ebb and flow of nature, the ebb and flow of life, of our passions, of self, of Higher consciousness, of our relationships, of health, work, balance…
Like waves in the ocean the patterns of ebb and flow fade in and out of our lives.
What patterns of ebb and flow do you see?
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